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La metenolona enantato, mejor conocida como primobolan, o dicho informalmente, “primo”, es una versión de acción prolongada de la metenolona, y existe sólo en forma inyectable. Es considerado como uno de los esteroides anabólicos más seguros que existen, e incluso se usa médicamente para tratar a niños con bajo peso o malnutrición, sin causarles daño alguno. Es de los más demandados por mujeres junto con la oxandrolona, puesto que casi no hay riesgo de adquirir características viriles, y puede ser usado por ellas muy exitosamente. También existe el rumor de que este era el esteroide para definición preferido por Arnold

An exercise routine is the set of movements, sets and repetitions that you perform during your workout. Doing a 1 hour routine or 3 20 minute routines are ideal for a complete workout. What should an exercise routine have? Before the workout Don't forget to warm up. This series of previous movements prepares your body to receive heavy loads of weight or resistance and better execute the exercises, avoiding injuries. Try to structure your workouts according to the appropriate body zone. Una rutina de ejercicio correcta es aquella en la que se trabaja un grupo muscular principal. It is advisable not to mix muscle groups

Boldegen is the product you need if you are looking to increase your strength and endurance in training. La boldenona undecilenato, o simplemente boldenona, es su componente principal. It is an anabolic steroid that acts in a similar way to testosterone. Benefits of Boldegen Athletes recognize Boldenone for promoting increased strength and endurance, which is beneficial for them. Sin embargo, no se recomienda si tendrás una prueba antidoping en un periodo menor a 5 meses después de usarlo. In the bodybuilder or person seeking to increase muscle mass it is very beneficial. Most men tolerate it without problems, and even women if administered in

Warming up is performing a series of movements to prepare our muscles and joints before strength work to prevent serious injuries. How to start to warming up? Set up in your training area, and start from the head. Work your way up to the feet doing small exercises, without adding resistance or strength. That is, start doing movements from side to side with the head, down to the shoulders, elbows and wrists. Then you move to the waist legs, knees and finish with the ankles and toes. Preparing your body will help improve mobility during the workout. This will prepare it for the strength

Trembogen is a favorite of those seeking a rock hard body, with mass gain and fat reduction at exceptional levels. What makes up the Trembogen? Trenbolone is the main component of Trembogen and is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid. Many athletes, bodybuilders or fitness models considered Trembogen to be the most effective and versatile steroid. Compared to testosterone, the anabolic and androgenic properties of trenbolone are 5 times higher. Trenbolone acetate is different from other types of trenbolone because it acts faster in the human body and is more powerful. Therefore, acetate is most commonly used to define cycles. Benefits Consumers will receive increased muscle mass,

You may have heard that there are 3 different body types, but did you know that there is a workout according to your body type? Your body type depends mainly on your genes, but that doesn't mean that everything depends on it. If your body is straight and narrow, you certainly won't have an hourglass figure, but there are some ways to train to make the most of our body shape and achieve your ideal body shape. Body Types The three body types are as follows: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. ECTOMORPHO The ectomorph body is naturally slim, with narrow hips and shoulders, little body fat,

Decagen is your ally in muscle growth. Is the most powerful mass gaining product on the market. Decagen is a potent off-season mass building steroid and a favorite in many athletic circles for its therapeutic benefits also. Using it, will allow you to reach your body mass goals easily, with impressive results. It produces a significant gain in mass and strength accompanied by fat loss, which will subsequently favor obtaining the striated look sought by so many bodybuilders. It is very rare for an anabolic steroid to simultaneously produce significant mass gain combined with fat loss with very few side effects. This is precisely the

You must consider a variety of factors, no matter what training or diet you are doing, these tips will help. Cardio after training Cardiovascular exercise is a tool that we will use according to our goals. Básicamente, existen dos formas de ejercicio cardiovascular, de alta intensidad (HIIT) y de baja intensidad (LISS), pero a su vez, existen muchas formas de realizarlo (natación, carrera, ciclismo, ciclos de levantamiento de pesas, máquinas elípticas). We must know that cardiovascular exercise is different from the training we do in the gym. Progression is everything Every time you go to the gym, your workout should be better than the

Anastrozole is the main component of our product Anastrogen. It belongs to a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors. Actúa disminuyendo la cantidad de estrógeno que produce el cuerpo. This can slow or stop the growth of several types of breast cancer cells that need estrogen to grow, mainly in women who have gone through menopause. Anastrogen in sports For male athletes, Anastrogen shows great potential. 0.5 mg per day should be sufficient to avoid any estrogen-related side effects from anabolic steroid use. When used with strong, easily aromatized androgens such as Dianabol or Testosterone, it effectively blocks gynecomastia and fluid retention. At the same

These are the gym recommendations if you have proposed to start working your body and continue to attend. The following tips will help you train well and not give up. If you have just joined the gym and want to achieve a regular training that allows you to be in shape, an abrupt start, poor planning or other mistakes that you can easily avoid are your main enemies, so consider the following tips to start in the right way: Assistance If you are spending your first few days in the gym, you will probably find yourself a bit disoriented and not knowing where