
Weight Lifting: Keeping it Safe and Injury-Free

Whether you lift weights for general fitness, to train for sports or to compete, safety comes first.

Form is a critical part of weightlifting. Your goal should be to lift the right amount of weight using perfect form. Lifting more than you can handle using improper technique is one way to guarantee injury.

These exercises must be performed properly. The back is extremely vulnerable when you have poor execution technique. Lift with your legs rather than your back. The muscles in the legs and buttocks are the most powerful muscles in the body. The muscles surrounding the spine are smaller and more vulnerable.

When lifting weights, keep the weight close to the body. This helps you lift with your legs and hips rather than your back.

Keep your back straight and your head up. Lift the weight (from the floor) gently. Do not twist the trunk when lifting a weight, as this causes abnormal pressure on the muscles and intervertebral discs. Do not perform the exercise if you are tired and cannot perform it with the correct technique. Never exceed the weight you can lift if you do not do it gradually. 

Try to avoid getting advice from people who have never learned good technique, such as parents, friends, unqualified trainers or other weight lifters. Books can help, but nothing beats personal training.

Don’t forget the pre-workout warm-up. This increases the temperature of the muscles, which makes them work better and also prevents injury.

Don’t forget about breathing either. It is very important during overload exercises. Holding your breath and exerting force will increase blood pressure and can lead to fainting.

The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends that during muscle training, muscle groups should be allowed to rest for 24 hours before working them again.

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