
Improve your training

You must consider a variety of factors, no matter what training or diet you are doing, these tips will help.

Cardio after training

Cardiovascular exercise is a tool that we will use according to our goals. Básicamente, existen dos formas de ejercicio cardiovascular, de alta intensidad (HIIT) y de baja intensidad (LISS), pero a su vez, existen muchas formas de realizarlo (natación, carrera, ciclismo, ciclos de levantamiento de pesas, máquinas elípticas). We must know that cardiovascular exercise is different from the training we do in the gym.

Progression is everything

Every time you go to the gym, your workout should be better than the last time. Debes seguir adelante. If your workout doesn’t improve, you should do something, maybe change the routine, the exercise, the sets … Remember that muscle growth is due to adapting to the new environment.

Prioritize compound exercises

As we all know, compound exercise can add more muscle mass to your physique, so you should prioritize this type of exercise.

Trabajar el músculo, no mover el peso

Your job when you enter the gym is to stimulate the muscles that need to be trained on the day. De nada sirve poner tanto peso sobre la barra como sea posible y pedirle a un compañero que te ayude desde la primera repetición. It doesn’t work that way, you have to learn to contract the muscles on each repetition.

Pre-warming up

Warming up is a basic part of training. You must prepare the muscles for the work they will be doing in the future.


Water is essential for survival so imagine how important it is while you’re putting your body through the enormous stress of weight training.

Drinking water helps your body perform its vital functions while lubricating your joints. Never forget water during a workout.


Adapt and adapt your workout to the equipment available. Si tenemos un gimnasio a 5 minutos de nuestra casa y nos apuntamos a otro gimnasio mucho más completo pero al que tardamos 1 hora en llegar y 1 hora en volver, es muy probable que finalmente dejemos de asistir por pereza.

There is always a way to train, more or less optimal, but you can always train. Even in a park or at home with your own body weight.

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