Testogen-E (Testosterone Enanthate)


Testosterone is one of the most effective tools for building muscle and strength in a short period of time.

SKU: 0036393 Category:


Classification: Anabolic Steroid
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Standard Testosterone
Estrogenic Activity Moderate
Progestational Activity Low
Water Retention: Low
Aromatization: Yes
Hepatotoxicity No
Active Half-life: 1-1.5 days
Recommended Dosage: 150-400 mg/week

Testosterone Propionate is a fast-acting ester of almighty Testosterone. Testosterone Propionate was mentioned for the first time
in early 1935, and since then, its production has been uninterrupted. Testosterone Propionate was the first ester of Testosterone sold on the US market. It is worth mentioning that in the early 50s, athletes had only three compounds to work with: methyltestosterone, testosterone suspension, and testosterone propionate.
This testosterone ester has been one of the most used injectable forms of androgen testosterone for more than eight decades.

Esters should be a piece of common knowledge for all steroids users. Ester’s understanding provides accurate and crucial information about proper dosages and administration timing.
Shorter ester = shorter half-life=more frequent injections=more raw steroids in the mix Longer ester =longer half-life=less injections=less raw steroid in the mix
Esters and Accurate dosage calculation
We all know that accurate dosage is the most crucial part of AAS administration. Testosterone Propionate consists of raw steroid testosterone and Propionate oil that the raw steroid is mixed with.
Both molecules (raw Test and Propionate oil) have their molecular weight; that is why once planning your cycles, please note that
100 mg Testosterone Propionate equals on average 80 mg of raw Testosterone

Apo Test Prop is not recommended for use in women. Being a strong androgen provides a high risk of virilization.

Recommended dosage range 150-400 mg/week
Recommended cycle length 6-12 weeks
Testosterone Propionate is very versatile and can be used on its own or stacked with other steroids.
Testosterone Propionate is widely used in all types of cycles: bulking or cutting. Test P is a very effective compound, and it acts faster than cypionate or enanthate; however, it requires more frequent injections.

Apoxar Testosterone Propionate-only cycle is a popular choice for beginners. It provides significant gains in muscle and strength and requires less frequent injections. Also, it is not a painful injection, and it is a very cost-efficient option.

Apoxar Testosterone Propionate Only Cycle
Beginner Level
Primary Goal: Mass Gains
1 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)
2 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)
3 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)
4 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)
5 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)
PCT Nolvadex

Apoxar Testosterone Propionate and Nandrolone Cycle
Beginner/Intermediate Level
Primary Goal: Bulking.Big Mass Gains
Less sides compared to a higher dosage of Test P
1 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
2 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
3 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
4 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
5 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
6 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
7 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
8 Week Apo Test Prop 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) Nandrolone 200mg/week
PCT Clomid

Testosterone Propionate is considered a steroid with moderate estrogenic activity. It aromatizes; that is why we always advise having an aromatase inhibitor (Arimidex) handy.
Testosterone Propionate is the primary male androgen. Higher than recommended dosages could lead to oily skin, acne and aggravate male hair loss, mainly if you have a genetic predisposition.
Testosterone Propionate does not have hepatotoxic effects. Multiple clinical trials showed that Test E does not produce significant changes in liver enzymes levels.
Natural Testosterone Suppression
Most steroids taken in doses to promote muscle gains will suppress endogenous test production.
Testosterone Propionate and all testosterone-based drugs will substantially affect the HTPA axis and suppress endogenous testosterone production.
Also, please note that Parabolan, for example, will have a 2-3 times stronger suppression of gonadotropins than injectable Testosterone.

The main goal of PCT is to get your natural Test levels back to normal.
Other advantages of proper PCT are maintaining muscle gains and getting all the body systems back on track.
Before you start the cycle itself, get the supplies for your PCT.
Since Testosterone Propionate is mainly stacked with other steroids, please make sure to get a proper PCT according to your cycle compounds and cycle length.
PCT is not a choice. It is a Responsibility.


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